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Meet The Team

Corporate Group is led by an incredible leadership team in the industry. Every team member is multifaceted and brings diverse perspective and experience to company. They constantly push for innovation, develop new strategies to meet the evolving needs of the clients. With their expertise and leadership, corporate group aims to be a front-runner in financial services with quality and excellence.

Founder & Chairman

Mohamed Osman

Mohamed Osman is a highly respected and accomplished financial professional with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He has a strong background in corporate tax consulting and has founded his successful consulting firm in this area, which has evolved into a larger organization. In addition, Osman is a partner at Daria 360 Communications and plays a role as the CEO and co-founder of Corporate Group, where he provides strong leadership and management to grow the organization.

Osman's skill set includes expertise in financial services, value-added tax (VAT), mergers and acquisitions (M&A), regulatory compliance, financial audits, and assurance services. He has a wealth of knowledge in these areas and has consistently delivered exceptional results for his clients.

Furthermore, besides his technical expertise, Osman is known for his strong interpersonal skills and ability to build positive relationships with clients and colleagues. He is well-known in the industry for his honesty, professionalism, and dedication to excellence. His leadership and management abilities have been critical to his success and have contributed to his reputation as a trustworthy and dependable financial professional.

Osman holds a Masters in Accounting and Finance from Sorbonne University, a high school diploma from Harvard University in Professional Firm Services, and a Certified Public International Accountant from the University of South Wales. His education, combined with his extensive experience, make him a well-rounded and highly qualified professional.

CEO & Partner

Esha D'souza

ESHA D’SOUZA has over 17 years of International experience across Internal audit, External audit, Internal controls, Risk management, AML and Fraud management and Investigation in India, Singapore, Qatar and UAE. She is a qualified Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from Nagpur University, India.

Esha has extensive experience in External Audit, Internal Audit, Compliance Audit and other engagements in various industries, including Banks, Financial Institutions, Real Estate companies, Hotel Industry, Retail Mall, Educational Institutions, Charitable Institutions and Healthcare Industry. Esha has wide experience of Investigation and Forensic audit for Charitable Institutions and NGOs.

Through knowledge and experience Esha has become an expert professional in Corporate Governance, Policies & Procedures, Internal Audits & Control Reviews, Business Strategy and HR Advisory. This has led to extremely successful relationships with the government based organizations, leading companies in the middle east, and various clients that have contributed to Esha’s expertise in the market.

Director, Head Of Tax

Luca Angiolilli

LUCA ANGIOLILLI has over 20 years of Corporate Tax experience across different industries and jurisdictions such as Italy, Switzerland, Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and UAE where he has conducted quality services to numerous satisfied clients.

Among others Luca built his competencies on:

Direct Tax

Indirect Tax

Tax Treaties analysis and application

OECD and UN guidelines for taxpayers

BEPS and BEPS 2.0

Tax Policies and Procedures

Tax Optimization and Structuring

Cross borders transactions

PE and related matters

WHT related matters

TP study and implementation

Advance Price Agreement (APA)

Tax litigation and Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP)

Financial Statement and accounts booking (including tax provisions)

Luca during his career attended and successfully completed a Masters in International Tax Law (LLM) at the WU Executive Academy of the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Director of Business Development

Steven Ord

Steven Ord has over 25 years of financial services experience across the United Kingdom, Qatar and the UAE working in corporate pensions and personal finance. He is a fully qualified financial services professional with both a BSC and an MBA in Business Administration from Durham University, England.

Steven has extensive experience in leading large teams of industry professionals that focus on not only acquiring top quality clients across all sectors but building working relationships into long term partnerships. Ensuring the customer is central to everything and organisations are strategically aligned.

Through experience and continual professional development Steven has become an expert in developing and implementing distribution strategies for various products and services, championing continual propositional development at every opportunity.

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